的有关信息介绍如下:Tears - Donde Voy泪 - 问君心归何处,迷茫望尽天涯路All alone I have started my journeyTo the darkness of the darkness I go With a reason, I stopped for a momentIn this world full of pleasure so frail我独自一人走上旅途走向黑暗中的更黑处我因故稍作停留在这欢乐如昙花一现般的尘世驻足Town after town I travelPass through faces I know and know not Like a bird in flight, sometimes I topple Time and time again, just farewells 我穿过一城又一城与熟悉或陌生的脸孔擦肩而过如同那空中的飞鸟,我偶尔也会失足一次又一次,经历着离别痛苦Donde voy, donde voyDay by day, my story unfoldsSolo estoy, solo estoyAll alone as the day I was born 我该前往何处,我该前往何处,我的故事在时间里一页页展开我好孤独,我好孤独就像我诞生的那天一样形单影只Till your eyes rest in mine, I shall wanderNo more darkness I know and know notFor your sweetness I traded my freedom Not knowing a farewell awaits我不停地流浪直至你深情的双眼占据我视线我以为再也不用去经历那或熟悉或陌生的黑暗感觉你的甜美让我背弃了自由理想却未曾察觉又一次离别正在前方等待You know, hearts can be repeatedly brokenMaking room for the harrows to comeAlong with my sorrows I buriedMy tears, my smiles, your name你可知道心可以一次又一次被击碎好腾出更多的空间容纳悲伤如今带着遗憾和苦痛我把自己的泪,笑和你的名字一起永远埋葬Donde voy, donde voySongs of love tales I sing of no moreSolo estoy, solo estoyOnce again with my shadows I roam我该前往何处,我该前往何处,我已不再歌唱那些缠绵情曲我好孤独,我好孤独我和我的影子又一次开始流浪Donde voy, donde voyAll alone as the day I was born Solo estoy, solo estoyStill alone with my shadows I roam我该前往何处,我该前往何处,我就像我诞生的那天一样形单影只我好孤独,我好孤独我和我的影子还在继续流浪旅途......