
NFSNet 做出的贡献

NFSNet 做出的贡献


NFSNet 做出的贡献

NFSNet来自 维客Jump to: navigation, searchFor the National Science Foundation network, see NSFNet. NFSNet is a distributed computing project that factors very, very large numbers that have hundreds of digits, particularly those from the Cunningham project. As of mid-2005, it was factoring one number approximately every month. The name comes from the number field sieve, a relatively fast algorithm used to determine possible combinations of integers that can be multiplied together to make the number in question.1983年,ARPAnet分裂为两部分,ARPAnet和纯军事用的MILNET。同时,局域网和广域网的产生和逢勃发展对Internet的进一步发展起了重要的作用。其中最引人注目的是美国国家科学基金会ASF(National Science Foundation)建立的NSFnet。NSF在全美国建立了按地区划分的计算机广域网并将这些地区网络和超级计算机中心互联起来。NFSnet于1990年6月彻底取代了ARPAnet而成为Internet的主干网。