的有关信息介绍如下:[Script]Plugin hwnd=Window.Foreground()Import window.dllVBSBegin win=Window.Foreground() client=Window.GetClientRect(win) s=split(client,"|") dx=s(0) dy=s(1) zx=s(2) zy=s(3)VBSEnd Dim red,blue,bbred,redwait,bluewait,monwait,fqg,jb,a,b,c,k,q,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10t1=now:t2=now:t3=now:t4=now:t5=now:t6=now:t7=now:a=0:b=0:c=0:q=0UserVar fqg=DropList{防抢怪:0|不防抢怪:1}=0 防抢怪设置UserVar jb=DropList{不捡包:0|自动捡包:1}=0 是否捡物UserVar s1=2 门派普攻F1间隔(秒)UserVar s2=20 单体攻击F2间隔(秒)UserVar s3=20 单体攻击F3间隔(秒)UserVar s4=25 怒气攻击F4间隔(秒)UserVar s5=80 自定技能F5间隔(秒)UserVar s6=60 BB技能F6间隔(秒)UserVar s7=10 状态技能F7间隔(分)UserVar red=DropList{30%:30|50%:50|70%:70}=1 血少于%加血F8UserVar blue=DropList{30%:30|50%:50|70%:70}=0 蓝少于%加蓝F9UserVar bbred=DropList{没有出战:0|20%:20|30%:30|50%:50}=2 宠少于%加血F10UserVar redwait=1 红药冷却时间(秒)UserVar bluewait=1 蓝药冷却时间(秒)UserVar monwait=100 寻怪延时(毫秒)PutAttachment .\plugin *.dllRem 开始Delay monwaitGosub 验证码Gosub 找怪If fqg=0 IfColor dx+369,dy+31,1E252A,2 Goto 开始 EndIf EndIf Rem 继续杀怪Gosub 判断血蓝状态Gosub BB血状态Gosub 杀怪Rem EndEndScript Sub 验证码 Rem 再次报警 VBSCall FindPic(0,50,600,550,"Attachment:\yz1.bmp",0.9,x,y) If x>0 and y>0 Plugin SimPlayer.ring(19) //使用了声音插件,需要自己去官网下载 Delay 2000 EndIf While x>0 VBSCall FindPic(0,300,600,550,"Attachment:\20S.bmp",0.9,x,y) If x>=0 and y>=0 IfColor x+17,y+9-k,FFFFFF,0 KeyPress 27 1 Delay 1000 MoveTo dx+446,dy+315 Delay 1000 LeftClick 1 Goto End EndIf Else Goto 再次报警 EndIf EndWhile Return 验证码Sub 判断血蓝状态 IfColor red/100*120+66+dx,dy+31,222222,2 a=a+1 Else EndIf IfColor blue/100*120+66+dx dy+37 222222 2 b=b+1 Else EndIf Return 判断血蓝状态Sub BB血状态 If bbred>0 IfColor bbred+91+dx dy+69 111111 2 c=c+1 EndIf EndIf Return BB血状态Sub 找怪 KeyDown 1,1 Delay 10 KeyPress 9,1 Delay 10 KeyUp 1,1 Delay 10Return 找怪Sub 杀怪 IfColor dx+247,dy+31,0019FF,2 IfColor dx+261,dy+31,0011ff,2 Gosub 技能 Else KeyPress 12 1 Delay 1000 EndIf Goto 继续杀怪 Else If jb=1 Gosub 捡包 Else Goto 开始 EndIf EndIf Return 杀怪Sub 怒气判断 IfColor qx+126,qy+43,00ffff,2 q=1 EndIf IfColor qx+188,qy+43,00ffff,2 q=2 EndIf Return 怒气判断Sub 技能 Goto 开始 If DateDiff("s",t1,now)>=s1 KeyPress 12 1 t1=now Delay 100 EndIf IfColor dx+261,dy+31,0011ff,2 If DateDiff("s",t2,now)>=s2 Delay 500 KeyPress 113 1 t2=now Delay 500 EndIf Else EndIf IfColor dx+261,dy+31,0011ff,2 If DateDiff("s",t3,now)>=s3 Delay 500 KeyPress 114 1 t3=now Delay 500 EndIf Else EndIf Gosub 怒气判断 IfColor dx+261,dy+31,0011ff,2 If DateDiff("s",t4,now)>=s4 and q>=1 Delay 500 KeyPress 115 1 t4=now:q=q-1 Delay 500 EndIf Else EndIf IfColor dx+261,dy+31,0011ff,2 If DateDiff("s",t5,now)>=s5 Delay 500 KeyPress 116 1 t5=now Delay 500 EndIf Else EndIf IfColor dx+261,dy+31,0011ff,2 If DateDiff("s",t6,now)>=s6 KeyPress 117 1 t6=now Delay 100 EndIf EndIf If DateDiff("n",t7,now)>=s7 MoveTo dx+36,dy+35 LeftClick 1 Delay 100 KeyPress 118 1 t7=now Delay 100 KeyDown 17,1 Delay 10 KeyPress 9,1 Delay 10 KeyUp 17,1 Delay 10 EndIf If DateDiff("s",t8,now)>=redwait and a>=1 KeyPress 119 1 t8=now:a=0 Delay 500 EndIf If DateDiff("s",t9,now)>=bluewait and b>=1 KeyPress 120 1 t9=now:b=0 Delay 500 EndIf If DateDiff("s",t10,now)>=1 and c>=1 KeyPress 121 1 t10=now c=0 Delay 500 EndIf Return 技能Sub 捡包 Dim v,i,n,d,l,m,a1,b1,a2,b2,shape,x0,y0,k1,k2,x1,y1 l=20:m=2:a1=dx+286:b1=dy+200:a2=dx+486:b2=dy+400:x0=dx+366:y0=dy+300:d=954439560 If x0-a1>=a2-x0 n=a1 Else n=x0-(a2-x0) EndIf Rem 开始搜索 v=l i=m x1=x0:y1=y0-v While x1>=n k1=0:k2=v For 2 For i x1=x1+k1:y1=y1+k2 If x1>=a1 and x1<=a2 and y1>=b1 and y1<=b2 MoveTo x1,y1 Delay 2 VBSCall shape=GetCursorShape(0) If shape=d Delay 50 RightClick 1 Delay 400 Goto 开始 EndIf EndIf EndFor k1=v:k2=0 EndFor i=i+1:v=v*(-1) EndWhile Goto 开始Return 捡包