




Tears For Fears--Everybody Wants To Rule The World (所有人都想统治世界) Welcome to your life  欢迎踏入生命长河  There's no turning back  向前的奔流不会复返  Even while we sleep  不论昼夜  We will find you acting on your best behavior  我们都知道 你一直表现得最好  Turn your back on Mother Nature  不流连于安逸  Everybody wants to rule the world.  每个人都想征服世界  It's my own design  我所向往的  It's my own remorse  我所悔恨的  Help me to decide  驱使我下定决心  Help me make the most  极尽自由  Of freedom and of pleasure  畅意自在  Nothing ever lasts forever  人世苦短  Everybody wants to rule the world.  所有人都想征服世界  There's a room where the light won't find you  在黑夜湮没之地 互相携手  Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down  在依凭无所之时 一起并肩  When they do I'll be right behind you.  当这一切到来,我会成为你的后盾  So glad we've almost made it  迎来成功时值得庆贺  So sad they had to fade it  遭遇失败后随他淡去  Everybody wants to rule the world.  每个人都想征服世界I can't stand this indecision  不再因犹豫寡断承担苦果  Married with a lack of vision  不再因目光短浅遗祸深远  Everybody wants to rule the world.  所有人都想征服世界  Say that youll never never never never need it  告诉我你会永远永远不需要这些  One headline why believe it ?  这些头条焦点为什么要崇拜  Everybody wants to rule the world.  所有人都想征服世界  All for freedom and for pleasure  一切为了自由与自在  Nothing ever lasts forever  没有什么会一成不变  Everybody wants to rule the world.  所有人都想征服世界