




歌词如下:  how do i know it's you ,  how can we ever know it's me for you  is it the chance for two  can we be sure this love will see as good  is it a pass and breath  if you take my hand  and take my days forever  whatever it takes we'll see it to the end  we laugh with the sun cry with the rain and want and breath  what i will do this pain all of my days with you  sometimes i feel so afraid  somedays you want to look away  that's ok  it may not seems so clear  we may not seem to hold our love  so dear it's not a pass and breath  we'll make the simple love remain through the years  if you take my hand  and take it one day to its forever  whatever it takes we'll see it to the end  作者是《玩子Oo》,  主题是:(稀饭呢)  danpian  天亮以后不分手》遭删减 影片长度只有76分钟 [/size][/b]  [url]http://ent.sina.com.cn[/url] 2006年04月06日09:15 上海青年报  内地首部大胆表现前卫女性生活的电影《天亮以后不分手》自开拍以来一直争议不断,不但女主角一再变,而且审查更是遭遇持久战。记者近日获悉,该片最终拿到了通行令,4月走进电影院,但是因为遭到大量的删减,影片只剩下76分钟,成为近年来最短的长片电影。  电影《天亮以后不分手》根据网络畅销小说《天亮以后说分手》改编,描写女性的前卫生活、思想及男女之间的爱情战争,甚至涉及一夜情等敏感话题。该片导演朱延平对此剧的定位为“青春性喜剧”,影片中必然少不了大量激情戏,原本影片预计在情人节全国上映,但电影局认为需要适度删减与修改故上映计划一再搁浅。记者获悉,如今在影院上映的版本已经经过十分严格的删减,影片原来长达98分钟,现在只剩下76分钟,比近年来一般影院放映的所有长片都短很多。