的有关信息介绍如下:Hand in Hand We see the fire in the sky We fell the beating of our hearts together This is our time to rise above We know the chance is here to live forever For all time Hand in hand we stand All across the land We can make this world a better place in which to lice A li lang Hand in hand we can Start to understand Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time A li lang Every time we give it all We fell the flame etetnally inside us Lift our hand in hand We stand all across the land We can make this world a better place in which to live Hand in hand Hands up tp the sky The morning comes and starts to live inharmory Hand in hand We can start to understand Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time Hand in hand …… 手拉手(黑鸭子组合) 看圣火染红天空,我们感到心儿在一起跳动。快让我们昂首挺胸,辉煌时刻将会永恒在心中到永远。我们手拉手,把世界走遍,让我们共同创造一个美好家园。我们手拉手,心与心相连,打碎重重阻隔,我们心相连到永远,手拉手。 每一次我们相见,我们感到心中燃烧着火焰,举起手指向天边,清晨宁静能让生活和谐无限到永远。我们手拉手,把世界走遍,让我们共同创造一个美好家园。我们手拉手心与心相连,打碎重重阻隔,我们心相连到永远,手拉手。 我们手拉手,把世界走遍,让我们共同创造一个美好家园。我们手拉手心与与相连,打碎重重阻隔,我们心相连到永远,手拉手。 88年汉城奥运会主题曲 心手相连 黎明划破黑夜 用希望在你我心中燃起火焰 迈向崭新的一天 未来将是属于我们的世界 世界 心与心相连 手和手相牵 我们相信彼此之间距离不再遥远 心与心相连 手和手相牵 带着骄傲一起飞向无边的蓝天 心手相连 勇敢走出你自己 紧紧相握的手中传递热力 阳光投向大地 所有的美梦不再是奇迹 奇迹。 http://music.yisou.com/search.html?pid=yisou&p=%CA%D6%C0%AD%CA%D6&mimetype=all&source=yisou_music_result_topsearch