的有关信息介绍如下:20年后的我20 years later I夜,静静的,只有桌上的闹钟在滴滴答答的响着。我坐在窗前,透过窗户,凝视着满天闪烁的繁星,陷入了对未来的遐想。20年后的今天,我会是个什么样子?在干什么呢?Night, quietly, only the alarm clock is ticking loudly. I sit at the window, through the window, gazing at the stars twinkling in the sky, in the future. 20 years later today, I will be what appearance? What are you doing?那时,我也许是一名人民教师。像我的班主任汪老师一样,怀着一颗真诚的心,不知疲倦的把我的知识传授给我的学生。我会刻苦钻研,研究出许多好的教学方法,使我的学生能够更快更好、轻松愉快的掌握知识。尽管我的工资并不高,但我是知识的富有者、传播者,我会为我神圣的职业而感到骄傲和自豪。At that time, I may be a people's teacher. Like my teacher in charge of the same, with a sincere heart, I do not know the knowledge of the students to teach me. I will study hard, and work out a lot of good teaching methods, so that my students can be faster and better, more relaxed and happy to master knowledge. Although my salary is not high, but I am a rich knowledge, communication, I will be the sacred profession and feel proud and proud.也许,我会成为一名书法家,同时又是一位知识渊博的教授。我会用我那勤劳的画笔,教书育人,去书写更加美丽的人生。我会在全国各地举办我的书画展览,开办书法学习班,和更多的外国友人进行文化交流,使我们祖国的书法文化广为传播、走向世界。我会用我的书画收入,去资助那些山区的贫困学生,使他们能够更好的完成学业。Perhaps, I will become a calligrapher, but also a knowledgeable professor. I will use my hard brush, teaching and educating people, to write a more beautiful life. I will hold my calligraphy and painting exhibition in the country, open the calligraphy class, and more foreign friends for cultural exchanges, so that our country's calligraphy culture is widely spread, to the world. I will use my calligraphy and painting, to finance the poor students in the mountains, so that they can better complete their studies.也许,我会成为一名救死扶伤的医生。通过我的刻苦钻研,能治疗世界上的各种疑难杂症。什么癌症、白血病、艾滋病、非碘性肺炎,都将被我攻克。我会把我的医疗经验进行总结,写成书发表出来,使更多的人能够掌握它,用它去为更多的人服务。Maybe, I will become a doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. Through my study assiduously, can treat a variety of Difficult miscellaneous diseases in the world. What cancer, leukemia, AIDS, non iodine pneumonia, will be I overcome. I will put my medical experience summary, written in a book published, so that more people can master it, use it to serve more people.也许,我会成为一名著名的建筑大师。我会在祖国的大地上,建起更多的高楼大厦。我会在大厦的顶上,建造起一个个美丽的空中花园,净化空气,美化环境,使我们的城市和农村变得更加美好。我还会在城市设计和建造更多的立交桥,使城市的交通更加畅通,永远再不会出交通事故。Perhaps, I will become a famous architectural master. I will build more tall buildings in the land of my country. I will build up a beautiful sky garden, clean air, beautify the environment, and make our city and countryside more beautiful. I will also be in the city to design and build more of the overpass, so that the city's traffic more smooth, never a traffic accident.也许,我会成为一名军人。我会掌握世界上最先进的武器装备,日夜守卫在祖国的边防前哨,保卫着祖国的安全。我们要完成祖国的统一大业,使宝岛台湾早日回到祖国的怀抱。我们要帮助全世界受欺负的国家不受外敌入侵,使像美国攻打伊拉克、阿富汗那样的事件不再重演。使我们的驻外大使馆不再被炸,飞机不再被别人撞下来,使我们的王伟烈士含笑九泉,永远安息!Maybe, I'll be a soldier. I will master the most advanced weaponry and equipment, and guard the frontier outpost in the motherland day and night to defend the homeland security. We want to achieve the reunification of the motherland, the island of Taiwan to return to the embrace of the motherland. We want to help the world by bullying the country from invasion, as the United States against Iraq and Afghanistan that events are not repeated. Make our ambassadors museum will no longer be fried, the aircraft is no longer others hit down, make our Wang Wei martyrs smile in the underworld, rest in peace forever!我想做的事还很多很多。不过我知道,二十年后不管我做什么,都需要文化和知识。没有文化和知识的人,是什么事也干不成的。因此,从现在开始,我要好好学习,努力掌握各种知识,用知识去实现我的理想。I want to do a lot of things to do. But I know that after twenty years, no matter what I do, it takes culture and knowledge. People who have no culture or knowledge can't do anything. Therefore, from now on, I must study hard, and strive to master all kinds of knowledge, with knowledge to achieve my ideal.