囚禁 英文怎么说
的有关信息介绍如下:1.captivity例句与用法: 1). 他被囚禁三年. He was held in captivity for three years. 2). 监禁,下狱被关押或囚禁的状态 A state of imprisonment or captivity. 3). 有暴力行为的囚犯隔离囚禁. Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others. 2. incage: [ in'keidʒ ] n. (=encage)囚禁3.embar: v. 囚禁, 阻遏4.enjail: [ en'dʒeil ]vt. 把…早氏关进监狱,囚禁, 软禁5.embarment: n. 囚禁, 阻遏6.chain: [ tʃein ] n. 链,连锁,束缚 v. 用铁喊高练锁住,束缚,囚禁7.chains: 联营企业;囚禁;[复]枷锁;镣陆渗散铐