




游泳用英语写swim原形:swim 过去式:饥哗swam 现在分词:swimming 过去分词:swum游泳 [yóu yǒng]swim时 态:swam,swum,swimming,swims名 词:swim'mer形容词:swim'mable同反义词同:[n.] swimming [v.] float反:[v.] go down,go under,settle,sink参考例句处世似游泳,In the world,who knows not to swim goes to the bottom.学校举行音乐会的收入将作为建游泳池的基金.The money from the school concert will go into the swimming pool fund.这张游泳证是用以证明我可以游100米远.This swimming certificate is to certify that I can swim one hundred meters比基尼泳装(三点蚂肢伏式女游泳服)Bikini (scanty two-piece costume worn by women for swimming and sun-bathing)斯皮多公司研发的闷携一种高科技游泳衣备受关注.One of the creations that has drawn the most attention is the new high-tech swimsuit from Speedo.有人扶助,容易成功.He may well swim that is held up by the chin.身不由己,只得从命.He must needs swim that is held up by the chin切忌班门弄斧.Never offer to teach a fish to swim