soft skill 和hard skill的区别
的有关信息介绍如下:"soft skill" 指的是软技能(社会学术语,指一个人的情商(EQ)、个性特征、社交礼仪、沟通能力、个人习惯、友好程度、以及处理人际关系的乐观态度。
"hard skill"指的是硬技能,硬技术,硬技巧;
Empathy — an under valued "soft skill, " can be a great differentiator and is key for trulyunderstanding a problem.
He is pretty experienced in various fields such as internet ads, key client sales, brand marketing, channel development, as well as soft skill area e. g. team building etc.
It’s a hard skill to make the hole.
For me this was a hard skill to master.
They are doing extremely hard skill levels and they are very well prepared," Strug, a member of the Magnificent 7 team that struck gold in Atlanta, told Reuters.