




想做就做。 不做下一个谁,做第一个我!!!  科比在代言耐克的一句广告词!!! “恨我吧,因为我也为同样的理由被爱着。”  科比广告语完整版:  if you really want it  只要心够决  you'll push back pain  就能征服痛苦  use it  利用它  control it  控制它  if you really want it  只要心够决  living your dreams  实现你的梦想  if you really want it  只要心够决  learn from the fails  从挫折中学习  learn how to win  学习胜利  if you really want it  只要心够决  everything to your fire  将所有燃烧成激情  all the pain  所有痛苦  failures  失败  criticisms  批评  glory  荣耀  take the ball  出手夺球  take the lash  出手绝杀  you can do anything you want to  你可以做到任何事  if you really want it  只要心够决  詹姆斯在NIKE广告中的一句广告词让人们对亮历他过目难忘:you'd better bring(你最好全心关注),cause i'll bring every i've got it (因为我会全力以赴)  是什么让人变旦键袜得了不起  是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮  是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生  连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军  或是当选状元秀  年度新人  最年轻得8000总得分前锋  还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛  如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切  这些都很了不起  但是,这一些都会过去  你在乎的  是赢得未来  what makes someone great?  is it learn to shoot on a mill frame?  what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll?  what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym?  maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points,  leading your team into the final, first time in our history,  what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened.,  and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!  易建联最新耐克广告词完整版:你可以15岁加入职业联赛,你可以人选国家队,你可以连夺3次冠军,你可以成为MVP,但这还不够。因为你可以是---不断走向下模激一步的自己。  Just do it 事在人为