
龙腾世纪 觉醒 那个黑色的套装的具体拿法

龙腾世纪 觉醒 那个黑色的套装的具体拿法


龙腾世纪 觉醒  那个黑色的套装的具体拿法

拿Sentineil套装的任务叫Tears in the Veil 当你进入Blackmarsh的现实世界中你会发现地图中有几个地点被魅魔挡住了(在现实世界是无法穿过的),当进入Fade后(the Blackmarsh Undying)杀掉3组魅魔并解开各个封印,解开3个封印后此任务完成。当重新回到现实世界后,回到那3个之前无法穿过的地点,套装部件就在那些箱子里以下是官方攻略说明Tears in the VeilType: ExplorationStart: The BlackmarshDestination: The Blackmarsh UndyingTask: Shut down the Veil tears by slaying the desire demon cabalsQuest Tips: You gain this quest in the physical world(the Blackmarsh), but cannot complete it until youreach the Fade (the Blackmarsh Undying). In the Fade,defeat the three desire demon groups and interact withthe Veil Tear Apparatus at each of the three locations (seethe Blackmarsh Undying map). This completes the quest,and you can return to the physical world to claim yourrewards from iron chests where each apparatus used to be.XP Reward: 500 XPMoney Reward: NoneItem Reward: Boots of the Sentinel, Gauntlets of the Sentinel,Helm of the Sentinel