




动员兵: Da!(是!), Comrade?(同志,请下令!), Moving out!(出发!),Waiting orders!(等待指示!), Conscript reporting!(动员兵报告!), All that received!(收到!), For the Union!(为了苏维埃!), Attacking!(全力攻击!), You are shot!(你完蛋了!), For the mothers at Russia!(为了远在俄罗斯的母亲!), For the whole country!(为了国家!). 2.美国大兵: Sir!Yes sir!(是,长官!), Huh!(明白!), How about some actions!(开始行动吧!} 3.尤里新兵: Yuri is Master!(尤里至大!), There is much to learn!(我们学得还不够!), Yes,Mr.Yuri!(遵命,尤里先生!). 4.磁爆步兵:Elec-coat ready!(隔电衣穿好了!), Going to source!(向能源区集结!). 5.飞行兵:Roger that!(明白!), You've got no place to hide!(你无处可藏!) 6.疯狂伊万:It's too quiet here! (这里太安静了!}, I've lost a bomb, do you have it?(我有一枚炸单不见了,是不是在你哪儿?). 7.谭雅:Yeah,baby!(哇,太棒了!), Moving out,boss!(头,我出发了!), I've got the order!(我接到命令了!). 8.间谍:Mission,sir?(长官,行动吗?), Under cover!(我有伪装!), Operation under way!(即将潜入!), This guy's raggy!(就扮成那个家伙!). 9 9.尤里:My command is your wish!(你只有服从我的指挥!), Turn me your wish! (你最终将加入我这边!). 10.狙击手:Sniper ready!(我是狙击手!), Eliminate them!(消灭他们!),Proceeding to the vantage point!(占领制高点!). 11.自爆卡车:My target has been found!(我找到目标了!), Let's make a delivery!(集中精力搞运输!), I'm preparing to die!(随时准备献身!), You'll be a smoking creator!(让敌方鸡地化为火海!). 12.辐射工兵:Desolator ready!(辐射炮预备!), Scorch the earth!(撕裂土地!) 菁英战斗兵 There is nothing I can not do. 没有什么我不能做的。 It's too easy. 太简单了。 I have important mission. 我身怀重任。 (呼叫米格战机) Migs under the way. 米格位于途中。 Air's attack confirmed. 空习已确认。 基地车 Location is key. 位置是关键。 Let's find some flat land. 让我们找块平地。 Let's setup sharpe. 让我们快速建立基地。 天启 It is judgement-day. 这将是审判日。 病毒狙击手 Give me a target. 给我一个目标。 7 盖特坦克 Let's play the air. 让我们玩转天空。 I love the job! 我喜欢这个工作。 飞碟 Yuri's agency ready. 尤里飞碟准备完毕。 超时空军团兵 Reloving....Deconstructing... 吸收,消灭.. They're history. 他们将是过去。 Never Existed. 从不存在。 Yes,commander. 是的,长官。 V3火箭: Not too close,please. 请不要太接近(目标)。 核弹 Warning:nuclear silo detected. 警告:侦测到合弹发射井。 Nuclear missle launched. 合弹攻击接近中。 闪电风暴 Warning:Weather control device detected. 警告:侦测到天气控制器。 Lightning storm created. 闪电风暴接近中。 PS:系统老是说我的答案包含政治、敏感词汇,所以有些地方打通假字,请见谅。