的有关信息介绍如下:呐喊 Call to Arms 狂人日记 "A Madman's Diary" 孔乙己 "Kong Yiji" 药 "Medicine" 一件小事 "An Incident" 风波 "Storm in a Teacup" 故乡 "Hometown" (1921) 明天tomorrow;阿Q正传 "The True Story of Ah Q" 祝福 Well Wishes 另外还有其它鲁迅作品的英文名在酒楼上 In the Drinking House (1924) 幸福的家庭 A Happy Family (1924) 肥皂 Soap (1924) 长明灯 The Eternal Flame (1924) 示众 Public Exhibition (1925) 高老夫子 Old Mr. Gao (1925) 孤独者 Dictator (1925) 伤逝 Sadness 弟兄 Brothers 离婚 Divorce (1925) from《故事新编》"Old Tales Retold" (1935) 补天 Mending Heaven (1935) 奔月 The Flight to the Moon (1926) 理水 Curbing the Flood (1935) 采薇 Gathering Vetch (1935) 铸剑 Forging the Swords (1926) 出关 Going out (1935) 怀旧 Leaving the Pass (1935) 非攻 Opposing Aggression (1934) 起死 Resurrect the Dead (1935)