




[幸福终点站观后感]我今天看了一部美国电影:幸福终点站,幸福终点站观后感。我在看完之后感触很多,在影片刚开始时我深刻的体会到一个国家的存在和强大是本国人民出国在外的强大后盾,其次是语言沟通的重要性。英语是一门国际语言,我们必须好好学习英语为加入国际化的大社会做好准备。男主人公在影片刚开始时因为语言不通的无助和孤独感,我到现在还映像深刻,因此男主人公在被扣留在飞机场的时间里用了三个月的时间快速的在陌生的环境中学习英语,并大量的学习和收集对自己有用的知识,还因此帮助了一个有孝心的外籍男子。  因此,我感受到以后不关在什么时候,什么条件下只要不放弃就会有希望,只要付出就会有回报。困难并不可怕可怕的是自己没有战胜困难的信心。电影在片中还给了主人公一个美丽的艳遇,认识了一位美丽的空姐,结局虽然两人没有在一起但是主人公还是完成了父亲的遗愿,实现了自己对父亲的承诺!寓意深刻并突出了幸福的含义,我很喜欢这部美国影片,值得大家观看观看!  I watched an American film today: happy terminal. I after reading many feelings, in the beginning I deeply feel the existence of a nation and the powerful people abroad powerful backing, next is the language of the importance of communication. English is an international language, we must study hard English to join the international community ready. The hero in the film at the beginning because of the language of the helpless and loneliness, I'm impressed, so the male protagonist in detained in the airport time spent three months fast in an unfamiliar environment, learning English, and a large number of study and collect the useful knowledge therefore, also helped a filial foreign men.  Therefore, when I feel will not shut, what conditions not to give up as long as there is hope, as long as pay will return. The difficulty is not terrible is that I don't have the confidence to overcome difficulties. The film in the film back to the protagonist of a beautiful woman, met a beautiful airline stewardess, although the outcome of two people not together but the hero still finished his dead father's wishes, realizes his promise to his father! Profound and highlights the meaning of happiness, I really love the American film, worth watching!  分享到   翻译结果重试  抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试  支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅